Monday, April 29, 2019

The Other Story

I've written so many stories I've both lost count and haven't had the time to count them all, but I do know that  I write stories in a bit of a different way. There's a certain rhythm to a generic forced feminization story and following it book after book would drive me insane.  As a writer, what I do is to try to figure out what other type of story is this and then attempt to follow that other rhythm.

Let's look at 5 very recent stories that I have written and published:

Feminized by the Berto Street Girls: This is definitely a chick flick. The girls feminize multiple guys, bond in their friendship, and then pass this on to the next generation.

From Robert to Bobbi: Workplace comedy. This story of an overbearing boss and his female employees could fit in perfectly with movies like 9 to 5.

Feminized by His Twin Sister: This is a thriller. The fact that the poor boy is completely innocent in the entire thing just serves to make him the wrong guy in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Camp Femdom: Hmm, campers are disappearing one by one--pretty obvious horror.

Feminizing a Ghost: Has a bit of chick flick as one friend is looking out for another, but I would put this in more of a rom com place. 

Now, in the coming weeks, I have two stories planned that are classic 80s teen movies, superheroes, and even Dystopian science fiction. All of these books are available on Amazon, but I just wanted to give you a glimpse at my writing process rather than sell them.  Is there a particular genre that you think lends itself to feminization stories.

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